X configurationTopInstallation of DebianBuilding kernel with mactel patches

Building kernel with mactel patches

Get the latest kernel from http://www.kernel.org and the latest mactel patches from mactel-linux SVN http://svn.sourceforge.net/viewcvs.cgi/mactel-linux.

Apply the mactel patches to your kernel, and run make menuconfig to configure your kernel.
You could use my .config as example. You can download it HERE.

Now you have to build your new kernel with Debians make-kpkg tool:

$ cd /usr/src
$ tar xjf linux-<version>.tar.bz2
$ cd <mactel patches>
$ ./apply /usr/src/linux-<version>
$ cd /usr/src/linux-<version>
$ make menuconfig
$ CONCURRENCY_LEVEL="3" make-kpkg -initrd -revision 0.1 kernel_image kernel_headers

Now you can install your new kernel using dpkg:

$ dpkg -i linux-image-<version>*.deb

Marvin Stark <marv@der-marv.de>

X configurationTopInstallation of DebianBuilding kernel with mactel patches